Shared responsibility along the supply chain
All B-COMMAND employees and managers are committed to socially responsible corporate governance. The following principles are a major part of our corporate mission statement and reflect our values and principles. We work along the entire supply chain towards the following principles in the areas of working conditions, social standards, competitive conditions, ethical principles and transparency. We see this as our social obligation and set these standards for all partners with whom we cooperate.
1. Conduct
B-COMMAND conducts its business correctly and according to best business practice. We keep the books correctly. B-COMMAND will in no case collaborate in any kind of fiscal or environmental crime.
2. Compliance with laws
B-COMMAND supports human rights and related international agreements. B-COMMAND fully and actively complies with the laws and regulations in force in the countries where B-COMMAND does business, including those of the ILO and UN. This includes laws against unfair competition.
3. Bribery and corruption
B-COMMAND does not offer, promise, solicit, demand, or accept bribes or other improper benefits for the purpose of retaining a client, securing a deal, or influencing the decisions or activities of a government agency. B-COMMAND always behaves in a way that is based on fairness and compliance with the applicable national and international standards.
4. Customer relations
B-COMMAND wins the trust of its customers by guaranteeing them quality. B-COMMAND always strives to offer competitive services and products on the national and international markets in order to create value for its customers. B-COMMAND informs its customers and suppliers about the code of conduct.
5. Relations with employees
B-COMMAND actively works to create a good work environment to reduce employee absenteeism due to illness, work-related accidents, work-related injuries and drug addictions. B-COMMAND offers a company medical service. Violence, threats, aggressive behavior, bullying, insults and similar behaviors will not be tolerated in the workplace.
Freedom of association for employees
B-COMMAND respects the right of employees to form works councils or to become members of such employee representative bodies.
7. Child labour
B-COMMAND does not tolerate child labour or any exploitation of children and young people. The minimum age for employment at B-COMMAND is 15 years. Suppliers are expected not to employ youth under the age of 15.
8. Forced labour
B-COMMAND does not tolerate forced labour within the group of companies or among its business partners.
9. Discrimination
B-COMMAND provides fair working conditions and opportunities to all employees; without distinction or discrimination based on gender, ethnic origin, age, disability, religious or sexual orientation. B-COMMAND does not accept any form of political, religious or any other kind of propaganda in the workplace.
10. Documentation employment relationship, remuneration
B-COMMAND concludes written employment contracts with the employees. These include the applicable labour and social security standards. B-COMMAND guarantees that the wages paid to the employees correspond to the usual or legal minimum wage in the industry. As a rule, working hours should not exceed 40 hours per week. Working hours shall comply with applicable law and relevant ILO regulations, whichever is stricter. The employee can reject overtime. After 6 days of work, a full day off must be granted.
11. Improvement of environmental protection
B-COMMAND has developed an action plan to measure and improve the effectiveness of the company's immission and emission reductions and resource consumption.
12. Relations with other actors
B-COMMAND expects all suppliers to meet the above requirements. When B-COMMAND evaluates and selects suppliers, subcontractors and partners, it is an important criterion to meet the requirements of the Code of Conduct.